We want to help you prepare your heart to celebrate the birth of the King! We have put together a few resources to help guide you through the season of Advent. These resources will also be available at the Information Desk on Sunday mornings.
A Time for Wonder
As we move through the four weeks of Advent, this devotional serves as a guide along a journey through times of renewal, trial, revelation, and ultimately to a time of wonder at the great gift that we have at Christmas: Christ’s incarnation on Earth. Dive in, find the time to witness the days of Advent through the eyes of wonder, and join as we worship together.
Grab a copy ($1 suggested donation) at the Info Desk or in the office.
JESSE TREE devotions
Jesse Tree is a way of preparing for Advent by journeying through the stories on Jesus’s family tree. Each day of Advent, read a Bible story about someone on Jesus’s family tree and hang an ornament symbolizing the story on your Jesse Tree. As you decorate your tree, you’ll see how God prepared for Jesus to be born through many generations.
The Jesse Tree tradition is rooted in Isaiah 11:1: “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Jesse was the father of David, Israel’s greatest king. And Jesus is descended from the line of David. He is the branch God promised would grow from Jesse’s family tree. Each symbol represents a story from within this family tree and a step toward the birth of Jesus.
Advent daily scripture readings
This guide is a great tool to use in your daily time with God and includes a scripture for each day and Christmas carols in the back.
advent wreath readings
This is a guide through the four Sundays of Advent. Each reading includes a call to worship, lighting the candle, bible reading, meditation, Christmas carol and prayer.
Download Advent Wreath Readings
Simple Advent wreaths and candles are available on Amazon:
Other Advent Resources:
Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp
Emmanuel: An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always by Ruth Chou Simons