TABC is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Denomination. All SBC churches maintain their autonomy and make decisions for themselves by themselves. We are able to participate in denominational activities such as youth events at Camp Webster in Salina. Our denomination has sought to live out truth and grace—standing on the authority of God's word while actively reaching out to meet the real needs of people. We are the third largest provider of disaster relief in America (behind the Salvation Army and the Red Cross).
Tabc Basic Beliefs
Bible—The Bible is God’s Word to us. It is His revelation of Himself to us.
God—There is one God who is the personal Creator of the universe. He exists in a Triune community of three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ—Jesus is both fully human and fully divine. He “took on human flesh” and came to the earth as the world’s Savior. He came into the world to redeem all things back to himself through his sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection. Above all, he came to this world to “seek and to save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10).
Salvation—Salvation from sin is in Jesus alone (in his atoning work on the cross). Forgiveness of sins is a gift to be received by faith and not something to be earned through any works or good deeds that we do.
The Church—A New Testament church is an autonomous and local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel and which operates under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
The Ordinances—We believe that the Bible teaches two “ordinances” (practices he commanded) for his church. They are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is a public declaration of acceptance of Jesus’ death and of a commitment to Jesus as Lord. The Lord’s Supper is a public memorial of remembrance of Jesus’ death.
Jesus’ Return—Jesus will return to the earth again as it’s true Lord and at that time will judge all people and raise believers physically to live forever with him in New Creation.
Evangelism & Missions—It is the duty and privilege of every follower and every church of Jesus to endeavor to make disciples of all nations.
Stewardship—All believers are stewards of the things that God has given to them. As a steward, we are responsible to leverage our time, our talents, and our treasure for the glory of God and for the sake of His Kingdom.
The Kingdom of God—Our church exists to serve and advance God and His Kingdom. His Kingdom is larger than our church and we are willing to partner with any churches and any other believers who know Him and are living for the advancement of the Gospel.
TABC Core Values
People-Centered Ministry: We emphasize people over programs. All ministry will be carried out in the context of relationships and in such as a way as to be sensitive to the individual.
Team-Centered Ministry: We emphasize ministry being done in teams, as well as leadership by team.
Kingdom Vision: We believe that God’s work is much larger than our church or our group, therefore we will and work with other individuals, churches, and organizations which share our essential beliefs and kingdom objectives.
Full-Circle Discipleship: We are committed to joining people on their whole journey to God. We not only want to see people come to Jesus (as a disciple), but we want to baptize them and teach them to obey all that he has commanded; so that they can make disciples!
Multiplication: We are committed to multiplying ourselves in all that we do. In our lives, we multiply disciples. In our service to the church and in our ministries, we seek to multiply servants who can do what we do. We always want to be passing the baton; replicating ourselves in the lives of others.
Grace and Truth: We are committed to not only knowing and living out the truth, but doing it in a way that is seasoned with grace. We treat each other with kindness and agape love and forebearance. And we honor the “soul liberty”* that God has given to each of his children.
The New Thing: We don’t change for change’s sake. But we are always keeping our eyes open to the new thing that God might be doing in our midst or in our community. We want to join Him and His work!