GATHER 25 – Gather25 is a free, 25-hour global broadcast event. What will happen? People from around the world will gather in churches, living rooms, campuses, and stadiums. The event will feature live worship, teaching, prayer, and stories and will be broadcast in multiple languages from Friday evening, February 28th through Saturday evening, March 1st.
IT IS TIME TO REGISTER! Please visit for the full schedule and to sign up for a session and meals We encourage you to invite friends from other churches and seeking friends as well! We need to know how many are coming so please RSVP!
“TIN MAN” MEN’S RETREAT - Mark your calendars for March 28 & 29. TABC is having a Men's Retreat - the "Tin Man, Regaining Your Heart As A Man." Details to follow
BAPTISMS - There will be baptisms during both services on Sunday, March 2nd. Come help our TABC families celebrate..Financial Peace University
Wednesdays, beginning February 12th. Led by Alice Tunks-Jones & Richard Gimple, Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson course that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. For more information or to sign up, contact Lisa Huebner at
STARTING POINT – If you’re new to Twelfth Avenue or would just like an opportunity to learn more about the church, this is the class for you! You’ll meet TABC leaders, hear about our mission, vision and values, learn about ministries and opportunities to get connected and share about yourself so we can get to know you! This class fulfills one of the requirements of the TABC membership process. The Starting Point class is held from 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. in East Building room 205. The next Starting Point is Sunday, March 30, 2025.
ECS JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Emporia Christian School is now hiring for the following positions for the 2025 - 2026 school year:
Elementary Teachers, Preschool Teachers, Janitor/Custodian
Elementary and Preschool Teacher Aides
Elementary and Preschool Substitute Teachers Aides
Any interested applicants can stop by the school or contact 620-342-5353 or for more