6/24 Update: Nursery Reopening
As the next step in our transition, we will provide nursery for children birth to age 5 beginning this Sunday. Nursery will be available for both the 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. services. Please see the attached letter for guidelines.
Parents and caregivers,
We are so excited to be meeting at church once again and to offer child care as needed. We want to do our part in helping to keep the children as safe and healthy as possible. With this in mind, we have made some changes to our protocol. These changes are based off of CDC guidelines for child care centers. We want you to feel comfortable leaving your child and knowing that we will do our best to limit the spread of germs between children and caretakers. We will update these protocols as the CDC updates their recommendations. Please do your part in helping to enforce these new policies.
Due to construction in the nursery, all children will be meeting downstairs (pre-school area) until further notice. We have all items needed to care for infants and toddlers downstairs and have re-arranged to make it better suited for our current needs.
Guidelines for parents dropping of children:
If you arrive at the same time as another parent, please stagger your entrance into the nursery. We would like to avoid having clusters of families coming in at one time.
If your child has a fever of 100.4, or higher, runny nose, trouble breathing, or cough they will not be permitted to stay in the nursery. We would like for you to take your child’s temperature before coming to the church. If you do not have the means to do this, we can take your child’s temperature upon arrival, just let staff know.
Parents will wash the child's hands with hand sanitizer or soap and water before checking the child in.
We will keep children separated as much as possible. We will try to have no more than 5 children together, keeping families together. We will have a limit of 15 children, total, for the scheduled time. The maximum number of kids we can accept each day is subject to change, based on staff availability.
When you come to pick up your child, please use hand sanitizer as you enter the building and stagger your entrance with other parents. Ideally, the same parent that dropped the child off should pick the child up.
We are permitting children to play on our playground. If you do not feel comfortable with this, please let the staff member know.
· We ask parents need to be prepared to, potentially, to spend a little extra time dropping their children off. It has been 3.5 months since we have seen many of them and we are in a new area. Children are bound to have a little more apprehension than normal week-to-week routines.
I have held extra training with the staff who will be caring for your children. We have greatly reduced the amount of toys and books that will be out for children to play with. All items played with will be sanitzed after children have been picked up. We are also doing extra cleaning on-top of what we normally do. Staff members will be wearing face masks.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at
Julie Law
Early Chilldhood Director
6/6 Update:
4/16 Update
Thursday Talk
Garen and Jordan discuss evidence for the resurrection. Watch here.
New Features on TABC App
We have added some new functionality to the app, including:
TABC Prayer List (Pray for the needs within the church and submit a prayer request)
Sermon Notes
Small Group Discussion Guide
The TABC app is available for download in the App Store or Google Play.
Task Force Update
Our task force, comprised partly of healthcare professionals, has provided additional information about wearing gloves and masks for those interested:
The CDC, KDHE, or LCHD has not recommended that the general public wear disposable gloves to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Contrary to what one may think, the use of gloves may hurt more than help. By wearing a single pair of gloves while touching items in a store, holding a wallet, handling shopping carts, etc., bacteria or virus is being transferred from one point to another, cross contaminating everything that is touched. We encourage you, therefore, to leave the personal protective equipment (gloves) for the medical personnel caring for patients. God equipped us with a natural barrier to bacteria and viruses: our skin! Washing hands per the appropriate technique (20 seconds with soap and water or hand sanitizer) will serve as a much better protective intervention than wearing gloves. See an example from a nurse of cross contamination in this video.
Read more here.
4/4 Update
Message from Garen
It’s Garen, checking in from the Flint Hills with an encouraging word for our church family! Watch here.
Worship Online with Us
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday...Join us for worship online at 10:00 a.m. here. There is an interactive chat before the service (9:45 - 10:00) and 15 minutes after the service. You can also submit a request for prayer throughout the service. If you have issues getting into the “live” service, you may watch it anytime here.
Palm Sunday
If you haven’t picked up palm branches for your children for tomorrow’s service, they’re still available under the breezeway.
Invitations to Easter service
Next Sunday is Easter! Please be thinking about who you can invite to join us for our online Easter service. Next week, we will have some electronic “invitations” for you to share on social media or through text.
4/1 Update
Thursday Talk
Today, Alice Tunks-Jones, Jordan Young, and Kylie MacGregor share about thriving as singles in these times. Watch their video here.
Palm Sunday
Traditionally, we have provided palm branches for our children to wave during worship on Palm Sunday. Even though things look different this year, we still wanted to make palms available for children to use in worship at home! The palms will be integrated into this Sunday's service. If your family would like to participate, you may pick up palms (one per child) at TABC under the breezeway Friday and Saturday. No contact will be necessary, simply take one from the bucket.
Updated TABC App
Our app has not been functional recently but we have it up and running again! You can download the app by searching "Twelfth Avenue Baptist Church" in the Apple Store or Google Play.
Isolation and Mental Health
Lots of emphasis has been placed on physical symptoms associated with COVID. Ironically, mental health symptoms can occur during times of distress in our communities, environments, or governments. Some things to watch out for:
Changes in eating/sleeping patterns
Increase in worry or fear
Concerns for our brothers and sisters
Difficulty sleeping and/or concentrating
Increased irritability or anger outbursts
Worsening pre-existing conditions (back aches, stomach problems, and other physical ailments)
In children, you may see an increase in physical complaints as worry often manifests in physical ways.
Isolation is not helpful for the soul but we want to maintain following CDC and KDHE recommendations of social distancing. To help during this time, we encourage:
Reaching out to a brother or sister who you know.
Reaching out to a brother or sister who you think may experience increased anxiety or has struggled with mental health in the past.
Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news about COVID or other distressing life events.
Do activities you enjoy (read a book, go outside, play a game, do a puzzle, crochet, etc.)
Take care of your body. Practice taking deep breaths, exercise daily, get some fresh air, eat balanced meals, get good rest (not too much or too little).
If you find yourself with excessive worry or angst, please reach out to a fellow church member, a friend, a church leader, or a mental health professional.
3/31 Update
Tuesday Talk
Jamie and Lisa share some ideas to help you be a non anxious presence in your home. Watch here.
Some have asked if we are still receiving mail and processing checks. We are! You may give by mailing your check to 2023 W. 12th Avenue, Emporia. If you prefer to give electronically, the preferred methods are to set up bill pay through your bank or contact Susan Hall to set up an ACH payment at or 620-342-8830. You may also give online at (3% processing fee).
Spotify Playlist
We asked our Facebook followers what songs were encouraging them during this season. We have put together a playlist of the suggestions. You can find it here.
COVID-19 Task Force Update
Our COVID-19 Response Task Force has asked that we make the following information available to you:
COVID-19 Testing Clinic
Newman Regional Health is now set up to do testing for COVID-19 outside the building. Follow the signs from 12th Avenue. Healthcare professionals will assist you while you remain in your vehicle.
Prevention and Precautions
Please continue to continue to follow CDC and Lyon County Health Department recommendations by washing hands frequently, maintaining social distance, and limiting essential travel. These are the front line defenses recommended. There is no need to wear masks and gloves to protect yourself.
Update from Kansas Department of Health
An update from KDHE Secretary Dr. Lee Norman can be found here.
3/28 Update
Message from Garen
A short video message from Garen about how God has been at work can be found here.
Opportunity to Help
This week, volunteers will be assisting with deliveries for those in need, and acts of service (cards, snacks,etc) for first responders and health care personnel. To assist with these efforts, please contact the church office at 620-342-8830 or
Sunday Service
We will worship online Sunday at 10:00 here.
The service will be more interactive (if technology cooperates!) with an opportunity to chat online 15 minutes before and after service and submit prayer requests throughout.
Please download the discussion guide here before Sunday's online service.
We look forward to sharing in worship with you tomorrow!
3/26 Update
Thursday Talk
Our Thursday talk can be found here. Brent shares about how God brings order out of chaos.
TABC Office / Stay at home order
Under the stay at home order, the TABC office will be open to staff only.
All other meetings will be held virtually via Zoom, etc.
The TABC playground is closed.
Sunday service and sermon resource
We will worship online Sunday at 10:00 here.
The service Sunday will be more interactive (if technology cooperates!) with an opportunity to chat online 15 minutes before and after service and submit prayer requests throughout.
Please download the discussion guide here before Sunday's online service.
Newman Opens Respiratory Clinic
In response to the COVID-19 emergency, an outpatient Respiratory Clinic opened today at the Newman Regional Health Medical Partners Express Care location adjacent to the new Emergency Department. Please see attached for more information. Read more here.
3/24 Update: Shepherding Our Children Through Difficult Times
Tuesday/Thursday Talks
In an effort to stay connected and offer encouragement, we’ll be providing videos twice weekly with content we hope will be a help to you. Today's talk is titled "Shepherding Our Children Through Difficult Times." You can find the talk and accompanying resources here.
El Capitan Photos
Since the photos were difficult to see on the screen in Sunday's worship video, Garen has provided of El Capitan and the Boot Flake. You can find those here.
3/23/20 Update: Opportunities to help
Volunteer availability
We are working to develop our church's response to needs within our body as well as in the community. We would like to collect the names of those who have availability to help should the need arise. This help might be in the form of shopping for someone in the vulnerable population, picking up prescriptions, and other needs that may surface. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact the church office at and let us know. Also, if you know of needs, please also share that information with us.
Sewn Face Masks Needed
Newman Regional Health is asking local community members for their help in donating sewn face masks to help curb the nationwide shortage faced by most healthcare organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you would like to help with this need, please download these attachments for more information and a sewing pattern.
Press Release_Mask Donations
Face Mask Sewing Instructions
3/20/20 Update
Updates have been coming rapidly so we wanted to share the latest, as well as our plans for Sunday worship. First, a message from Garen:
Sunday Worship
Our Sunday worship service will be online at 10:00 a.m. You may join the online worship experience at the link below. There are resources available for you to use at home with children and youth, as well as an option to join an online life group and to give electronically. If you aren’t able to join Sunday at 10:00, the message will be available for viewing anytime.
Small Group Meetings
The deacons, based on advice from our COVID-19 Response Task Force have recommended no small group meetings larger than 10 (children are included in this total). Childcare will not be available at the church for the foreseeable future. Additional guidelines for small group meetings will be shared with small group leaders for distribution among members, as well as guidelines for using an online format to continue group meetings if you prefer. If you're not already connected to a small group, now would be a great time to join! You may do so here:
3/18/20 Update
Yesterday, I was telling someone that all of the "stuff" we find ourselves in right now feels like a dream. But, it is not. The general reality is that we are obviously living in different times and different circumstances than any of us have faced before. That can get a little unnerving from moment to moment.
But thankfully there is a much greater reality! We love and serve and walk with a God who exists in an eternally intimate community of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 6:19) and as I said Sunday we are enfolded safely in the hands of Jesus (John 10:28) and in the hands of the Father (John 10:29).
And this triune God never changes and is forever the same (Hebrews 13:8). So, over the next few days, as a community, let us help each other to lean into that greater reality with conversations, text messages, phone calls, and other forms of communication.
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all!" (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Following Jesus with you,
As people who follow Jesus, we want to live into his rhythm of life, which includes meeting as a community. In response to government regulations, we will be adjusting how we gather. This Sunday we will not have our regular Sunday services but will gather as an online community for worship. The online worship experience will include age-appropriate resources for families with children. We will provide instructions and a link to the online platform later in the week. We are also working to modify small groups to continue the rhythm of community.
We have assembled a task force of health, education and social professionals that is meeting to make suggestions to the deacons and the staff.
Please watch your email, Facebook and the website for updates
3/17/20 Update
Due to COVID-19, and the Governor's decision to ban groups of 50+ from meeting, we will not have services on March 22nd. We will be posting messages online on this upcoming weekend. We will keep you updated as the with more information as needed.
3/16/20 Update
Greetings, church family.
We continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and have created a task force to look at our long-range plans. We have not yet made a decision about Sunday services. Here is an update regarding church activities for this week, 3/16-3/20.
There will not be childcare for any activities this week, 3/16-3/20 due to illness among our staff and ESU students having returned home.
Life Groups and Small Group Bible Studies
Each individual group (adult life groups and bible studies) will make a decision about whether or not to meet. Group leaders will reach out to participants. If your group chooses to meet, we ask that you hold to these precautionary guidelines:
Do not attend if you or your family members are exhibiting any signs of illness.
Do not share food or drink in the group. Individuals may bring drinks/snacks for their own consumption but items should not be shared.
Do not share any common objects (pens, bibles, etc.) Do not hold hands for prayer.
Each group member should wash hands thoroughly before going to the group meeting and immediately upon returning home.
GROUPS THAT MEET IN HOMES: Hosts, please disinfect all hard surfaces (door handles, tables, counters, etc.) and prop the entry door of your home to avoid members handling the knob. Please do not provide snacks or drinks for the group. If you would feel more comfortable meeting at the church, please contact Lisa at and we will do our best to accommodate.
GROUPS THAT MEET AT THE CHURCH: Caleb will thoroughly disinfect before and after each meeting. Doors will be propped for entry/exit.
There will be no Wednesday Night meetup for Venue 12 this week. Be on the lookout for an audio message of this week’s lesson to become available on Apple Podcast and the church website later this week! We are developing a long-term strategy to engage students in safe community after this week.
3/15/20 Update
Here is a manuscript of the sermon. You may also listen online here.
3/14/20 Update
Our normal church worship services are ON for this weekend, March 15.
As concerns increase this week surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are committed to doing whatever we can to provide a safe environment for you and your family. We continue to keep a very close eye on the news surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19), both locally and globally.
Our posture right now is to keep on taking every precaution possible so that we can continue to safely gather together and worship together on Sundays. (Note: Our plan may evolve based on the updates we receive).
Weekend Service Environments:
Our greeters will open doors for guests. We will continue to sanitize frequently-touched surfaces, including doors, tables, drinking fountains, handles, check-in stations, and sinks.
Greeting Others:
We encourage you to continue to greet each other, but keep it to a warm smile and a wave for now.
Please Bring Your Own Coffee:
To be on the safe side, we have decided to suspend serving coffee and refreshments in the coffee room for the time being.
Our children’s environments have always maintained a very careful, thorough cleaning regimen, and we will continue to do so with extra vigilance. At the end of each gathering, we will continue to sanitize all of our toys and surfaces. We have sent out detailed instructions to all our volunteers regarding extra measures of cleanliness. As always, we encourage families to refrain from bringing kids to church if they have any sign of contagious illness. As always, do not bring a child if they have not been fever-free, without medication, for 24 hours.
We will temporarily suspend passing offering plates in the worship service, but will have baskets available as you exit the auditorium. We also suggest that you consider giving online instead. You can do that by going to this link:
In addition, we want to encourage everyone to take note of the following precautions recommended by the CDC:
- Stay at home if you or any family members are showing signs of a cough, fever, runny nose, etc. even if these symptoms are minor.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- Cover your sneeze or cough with a tissue or your arm.
- Get in the habit of NOT touching your face.
- Trade shaking hands for a wave or a friendly smile.
All of these precautions come out of a spirit of love and not a spirit of fear! While the virus is not extremely dangerous to the vast majority of those who attend our church, it is to some. Exercising caution is not merely wise, but is a tangible way of expressing love toward others who are particularly vulnerable to COVID (especially those like the elderly, those with prior medical conditions, or those with compromised immune systems).
This situation is extremely fluid with a constant flow of new information and updates. Be assured that the leadership of the church will continue to assess the situation throughout this week and the coming weeks. We will continue to communicate updates about all of our events throughout the week as the situation continues to develop.
Again, please come and worship at Twelfth this weekend if you are well and feel comfortable doing so. If you feel ill or are concerned about coming to services, please feel free to listen to Sunday’s teaching online after it is posted this coming Sunday afternoon (the sermon will relate to the current situation we find ourselves in). You can use this link to do that:
A Final Encouragement
For many in our culture, the spread of this virus has caused great fear and anxiety. God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and sound judgment (2 Timothy 1:7). In addition, He has called us to love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40) and to contribute to the welfare of our community (Jeremiah 29:5-7). Let us live in our community and work together to serve our church in a way that demonstrates trust in a God who is in control and whose kingdom is unshakable (Hebrews 12:28).
In the weeks ahead, may we as a community follow the way of love as we seek to be a non-anxious presence in a time of great cultural anxiety. Let's be faithful to be the hands and feet of Jesus, caring for those in need and pointing people toward the ultimate hope that is found in Jesus alone.
There is one final thing that we all can do and must do, and that is pray to our wise and loving Father. As we look to the days and weeks ahead, would you join us in prayer for the following?
- Ask God, in his mercy, to stem the tide of this growing pandemic, not only in our communities, but in cities around the world.
- Pray that those who are called to address this crisis (particularly medical professionals and those in positions of authority) would be equipped to handle new cases with strength, wisdom, and compassion.
- Pray that local churches would lead the way in exhibiting a spirit of trust in God and love for others.
- Pray for our overseas missionaries, that they would act as God’s ambassadors in their settings, offering the hope of the gospel.
The Church Leadership