Off the Beaten Path: The OT through Ancient Near Eastern Eyes

Context is King!

Are we prone to ‘photoshopping’ our 20th /21st century Worldviews into the texts of the bible? Or, on the contrary, do we discount the biblical authors’ worldview in order to make some texts easier to digest? In fact, what do we even know about the worldview of the Ancient Near East, the culture that gave us the bible? {You’re asking some great questions!}

One casualty of our lack of awareness or understanding of the worldview of the Ancient Near East (ANE), is the spiritual realm, which remains rather obscure and peripheral to our lives. This was not at all the case for the people that produced the bible. They were deeply immersed in searching out and navigating the truths of the spiritual realm, because it carried such grave consequences for their wellbeing and fate.

Join us as we examine the scriptures through the worldview of its authors. You will be asked to think and think hard at times. You will be challenged! And here’s a money back guarantee that your bible reading will become far richer and more deeply satisfying. Things are going to pop off the pages of any book of the bible you happen to be reading!

We will draw on the work of ANE biblical scholars who are experts in both ANE languages and culture. There is no outside work…but you will want to do some thinking during the week about each Tuesday’s treasures! Consistent attendance is fairly important, there is a lot to cover each week, and reviews will be minimal.

Tuesday mornings 9:30 to 11 AM, rooms 5/6.