Women’s ministry
Our mission is to gather and serve with a focus on fellowship, fun, and encouragement as Sisters in Christ.
We are looking for women to serve in several capacities:
POSITION: Food / Refreshments
TIME COMMITMENT: IF: Gathering, Pinterest Event,
SKILLS NEEDED: Cooking, staying within a budget, organizational skills
POSITION: In-home small group host
TIME COMMITMENT: Potentially small groups for IF: Gathering, IF: Tables, Game Nights
SKILLS NEEDED: Warm and welcoming heart
POSITION: Decorating
TIME COMMITMENT: Pinterest Night, Fall Kickoff, IF: Gathering
SKILLS NEEDED: ability to work within a budget and to create a warm and welcoming space
POSITION: Bunco / Games
TIME COMMITMENT: 2 hours / month or quarterly
SKILLS NEEDED: Organize, ability to explain a game
POSITION: IF: Gathering Team
TIME COMMITMENT: 12-15 hours
SKILLS NEEDED: Creativity and organizational skills
If you are interested in serving in any of these positions, please contact Ashley James.